About "Notes from Wonderland "

Music video for 'Notes from Wonderland' from Fairy Bones.  Winner of 'Best Music Video' Phoenix Fan Fusion 2015.


Written & Directed by Brandon McGill and Chelsey Louise

Seth Powers as Alice

Chelsey Louise as Red Queen

Robert Ciuca as Cheshire Cat

Ben Foos at Mad Hatter

Matthew Foos as Caterpillar

Featuring: Bri Turner, Sophie Leon, Geordi Helmick, Sheri Amourr, Tyler Monzingo, Naila Pierce, Devon Battilega, Jacki Whitson, Patro Gaston, Uche Ujania, Katherine Cronn, Bryan Preston, Victoria Bee, Michael Zimmerlich, Brandon McGill

Director of Photography: Jim Hesterman

2nd AC: Rachael Smith

Editor: Rachael Smith

Body Painting: Brandon McGill BP

Asst: Tyler Monzingo

Wardrobe: Kelly Gordon Sahr

Hair: The Boyz Do Hair

Key Makeup Artist: Anny Jetson

2nd MUA: Courtney Wilder

BTS Photography: Kataklizmic Design

Location: Painted Tiger Studios (Glendale, AZ) Throne: Painted Tiger Studios