
KWSS 93.9 FM, an independent non-profit radio station, has been a long-time supporter of independent music.  We volunteered to assist them in raising funds during their annual fundraiser.


We integrated KWSS annual fundraising event into our Guilty Pleasures Show, an event where artists perform covers of everything from Backstreet Boys, Jonas Brothers, Britney Spears, Disney songs, and others.  All proceeds from ticket sales would go directly to the station.

In addition we incorporated one of our partners, BRAVO Pay, as a sponsor for the station as well as providing opportunities to raise more awareness for the BRAVO Pay app.


Artists performed throughout the day during the Guilty Pleasures Show bringing a consistent audience.

Guests had the option to pay for admittance to the event through the BRAVO Pay app.  KWSS hosted a raffle inside the venue where guests would receive additional tickets if paid through the BRAVO Pay app.

Each event brought in over $5,000 total for KWSS (over $10,000 overall).

“With KWSS Independent Radio I've worked with 80/20 Records [Omelette Prevail] and collaborated on their annual Guilty Pleasures show to support our station's annual fall fundraiser. Not only are they easy to work with, their expertise on how to book, market, and promote a show really made it possible for us to focus on simply raising money for the station.”

-Dani Cutler (Programming and Morning Show Host of KWSS 93.9 FM)

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Images by Wicked Garden